A reconstruction of Alejandro Jodorowsky's "Santa Sangre" Original Music by Mitu
May 16 - 25, 2024 @ MITU580
This piece is about obsession. Our guilty obsession with a 1989, cult, B-horror film. Our gory obsession with fake blood pyrotechnics. Our sonic obsession with experimental electronic music. Our hopeful obsession that even the deepest of injuries can heal.
Part live-scored silent film, part irreverent midnight movie– (holy) BLOOD creates an entirely original sonic landscape to accompany manipulated pieces of Alejandro Jodorowsky’s cult-classic film Santa Sangre. Violently shattered across screens and accompanied by explosive blood choreography, the work remaps a story of circuses, blood cults, madness, and forgiveness.
CREATED BY: Kayla Asbell, Stivo Arnoczy, Denis Butkus, Cinthia Chen, Aysan Celik, Dana Haynes, Alex Hawthorn, Michael Littig, Justin Nestor, Rubén Polendo, Shanga Parker, Monica Sanborn, Scott Jumawan-Spahr, Corey Sullivan, Elizabeth Sun, and Ada Westfall.